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Date published: 13.11.19 Remove

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Foto: Somoto Grand Canyon, Nicaragua

Photo Somoto Grand Canyon: Somoto Grand Canyon, Nicaragua,
The narrow gorge today called Somoto Grand Canyon is 3.5 km long and up to 190 m deep and is located 12 km west of Somoto, in the northwest of Nicaragua. It is developed in volcanic rocks - acidic ignimbrites of Neogene age and its formation was mainly caused by tectonic processes. There is a clear zone on the river showing how far the water level rose during the devastating floods during Hurricane Mitch in 1998. The photo was taken on 22 March 2004 of a geological mapping around Somoto, when this phenomenon was discovered to the public during a routine trip so one of the first pictures of Somoto Canyon ever. The natives of the surrounding villages had known the canyon they called Namancambre or La Estrechura long ago, but did not enter it and considered it a residence of gnomes. | Žáček, Vladimír | 2004

Base information

Photo ID28317
Photo taken22. března 2004
AuthorŽáček, Vladimír
Rights ownerŽáček, Vladimír
Key subjectLocality
Photo typeNormal
ColorColor, natural
LightNatural (daylight)
DeviceDigital still camera
MediumDigital storage
Date published13.11.19

Photo localization


WGS84: 13.4584846542, -86.6924916615

Photo links


© Photo: Vladimír Žáček, 2004

Autorská práva k tomuto snímku nevlastní Česká geologická služba.
Podrobnější informace viz licenční podmínky pro používání snímků.

Cite of the archive photo No: 28317

ŽÁČEK, V. (2004): Foto - Somoto Grand Canyon, Nicaragua. In: Fotoarchiv České geologické služby [online databáze]. Praha, Česká geologická služba [cit. 2024-09-27]. Dostupné z URL http://www.geology.cz/foto/28317