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Author: Otava, Jiří Remove
Country: CZECH REPUBLIC Remove

Photos: natural area: Moravský kras

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Račice Conglomerates
© Otava, Jiří | 1988

Miocene sands in the Devonian limestones
© Otava, Jiří | 2003

Contact of limestone and sandstone
© Otava, Jiří | 2004

© Otava, Jiří | 2005

Mokrá Cave
© Otava, Jiří | 2005

© Otava, Jiří | 2011

© Otava, Jiří | 2011

© Otava, Jiří | 2011

Fault, Lažánky quarry
© Otava, Jiří | 2012

© Otava, Jiří | 2014

terra rossa
© Otava, Jiří | 2014

gravel and speleothem
© Otava, Jiří | 2015

Neptunic dyke
© Otava, Jiří | 2016
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